

Explore all your versions

Take advantage of your free time on a trip to rediscover your best version is the objective that we have set ourselves at Turismo Rural de Navarra. Get to know everything that our territory can offer you to set up an experiential trip that will bring out the best in you. Discover activities and accommodation with the authentic value of a 100% rural, sustainable and non-crowded tourism.


Dare to Explore

Discover all the things you can do in the rural environment. An authentic journey and adventure in nature that will captivate you.

Authentic rural tourism

An enriching and sustainable experience in a territory with countless activities and spectacular natural environments, where you can discover and enjoy new things every step of the way.


A trip to a place where tourism is carried out by people sustainably, while respecting culture and the environment. In Navarre, we work for a truly sustainable and enlightened tourism that revitalises rural communities.


Choose between the different types of accommodation offered by rural tourism in Navarra


Choose between the different areas in Navarre

Pamplona region

Central Area

Navarrese Pyrenees

Aralar and Urbasa-Andía

Baztán Bidasoa

Navarre Riverside

Let yourself be guided

We propose a series of guides to better understand our different territories.

Activity agenda

Here we tell you about our agenda of events and activities; helping active tourists to enjoy and make the most of their trip.

Events schedule

Rural environment activities

    The best rural accommodation in Navarra

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