

Our Lady of Muskilda Sanctuary Culture and Heritage

Santuario Nuestra Señora de Muskilda, 31680 Ochagavía, Navarra

At 1,025 m high, a Gothic carving of the Madonna and Child awaits anyone who enters the shrine of Our Lady of Muskilda. This is a 12th century Romanesque hermitage (restored in the mid-17th century) built on top of Mount Muskilda, 4 km from Ochagavía.


Legend has it that one day a shepherd found an image of the Virgin in the place where the hermitage now stands. Our Lady of Muskilda is the patron saint of the Salazar Valley, which expresses a devotion for her with a traditional pilgrimage every September 8. The pilgrimage follows an old liturgy full of symbolism, with 8 “Muskilda dancers” and a character called “Bobo”.


Access: By car: At the exit of Ochagavía, in the direction of Izalzu. Before reaching the town, take a left turn.

On foot: The path starts from the upper part of Ochagavía. Behind the Church there is a steep stone street, and at the end, a local path of 6 km (return trip) that starts on the left and is marked in green and white. Another option is to take the Romerías path to the right, which is steeper, but shorter.




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