
Tudela Bus Station Buses, Info - Transport

Plaza De La Estacion, s/n, 31500 Tudela, Navarra, España

The Tudela bus station is located in the same place as the train station. It has ticket sales, information point, waiting room, toilets, cafeteria, restaurant and services adapted for people with disabilities. Outside there is a free parking lot.

More information on the website

  • Conda
    (Líneas: Pamplona, San Sebastian, Zaragoza, Tarazona, Soria y Madrid) Tel: 948 820 342
  • Arasa
    (Líneas: Úrbana, Fitero)
    Tel.: 948 820 282
  • Vibasa
    (Líneas: Barcelona, Valencia y Benidorm)
    Tel. : 948 828 443
  • Jiménez
    (Líneas: Logroño)
    Tel.: 941 231 234


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